Updated Nov 2nd 2015: Function re-written to be much more stable, and added additional functionality
The supporting files are the function code, phylogeny, and species group information.
There are two functions provided, with a few dependent packages:
First we must load the file containing the functions to be used, the example phylogeny, and the species group information.
phy <- read.nexus("example.phylo.nex")
Next, we will generate some data to be plotted onto our phylogeny:
# This function requires that "node", "min" and "max" appear in the column names in some form
age_data <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=3, nrow=3))
colnames(age_data) <- c("Genus", "Minimum", "Maximum")
age_data[1,] <- c("Genus_A", 20 ,35 )
age_data[2,] <- c("Genus_B", 17, 28)
age_data[3,] <- c("Genus_C", 22, 35)
age_data[,2] <- as.numeric(age_data[,2])
age_data[,3] <- as.numeric(age_data[,3])
## Genus Minimum Maximum
## 1 Genus_A 20 35
## 2 Genus_B 17 28
## 3 Genus_C 22 35
The first function provided (find.nodes
) will identify the most recent common ancestor for each specified group. The nodes identified are where the age data will subsequently be plotted.
* data: A `data.frame` containing the minimum, and and maximum ages, as well as the corresponding species group names
* phy: An object of class `phylo`
* spp_group_list: An object of class `list` where the names match the group names in `data`, and each element contains species found in `phy$tip.label`
* colname: A vector of class `character` and length 1. Specify the column name in `data` that correponds to the species group data
Using the previously defined age data, and loaded species group data:
age.data.inc.nodes <- find.nodes(age_data, phy, species_group_info, colname = "Genus")
Now we have a data.frame
with our age data, and the corresponding node in the phylogeny
## Genus Minimum Maximum Node
## 1 Genus_A 20 35 23
## 2 Genus_B 17 28 31
## 3 Genus_C 22 35 29
The previously generated data can now be used to generate our plot:
make_HPD_node_plot(phy=phy, data=age.data.inc.nodes, line.width=5, node.col = "lightblue",line.col = "red",node.pch=21, node.cex=2)